Family Under 5s Workshops: Caribbean Stories

British Library, London.

Family Under 5s Workshops: Caribbean Stories  

Free | Ticketed | Suitable for ages 0 - 5 

Get ready to play, dance and tell stories. 

We’re continuing to celebrate Black British music with Caribbean tales led by storyteller Wendy Shearer. Explore our playful props, create your own music and dance to our calypso soundtrack.  

This workshop will also include an opportunity to explore our exhibition, Beyond the Bassline when it is closed to the public. Discover new objects, explore interesting spaces, find colour and experience wonderful music! 

Please book one ticket per person in your group.

Learn more about your visit, accessibility, our facilities and cafés.
Ticket type Cost (face value)? Quantity
GENERAL ADMISSION £0.00 (£0.00) Fully booked
Please select 1 ticket per person.